
Ulay (1943–2020)

Also known as
Frank Uwe Laysiepen
Member of
Ulay & Marina Abramovic


Frank Uwe Laysiepen. 1943, Solingen, woont/werkt sinds 1968 in Amsterdam

Jürgen Klauke, Ulay – Keine möglichkeit, 2 Platzwunden, archive

Data about the performance and exhibition and list of previous one man shows of the artists.

Jürgen Klauke, Ulay – Keine möglichkeit, 2 Platzwunden, archive

Pictures of the performance and exhibition.

Jürgen Klauke, Ulay – Keine möglichkeit, 2 Platzwunden, archive

Pictures of the performance and exhibition.

Jürgen Klauke, Ulay – Keine möglichkeit, 2 Platzwunden, archive

Picture of the performing artists.

Ulay – Fototot 2, archive

short announcement of the event

Ulay and Jurgen Klauke
Masks from the performance of Ulay and Klauke “Keine Moglichkeit 2 Platzwunden”, collection (unintended)

2 plastic masks, transparent. used for the performance

Poster Ulay – performing light, affiche

Ulay, FOTOTOT “unbarmherzige Selbstbespiegelungen”, 1976
Photographs, collection (unintended)

7 B&W photos (some copies) of performance staged at Galerie Beyer. Typed photo catalogue and project description included.