André Swagers "Hollandse Week: Rituals"
de Appel, Brouwersgracht 196, Amsterdam
During the Dutch Week, Swagers did several performances which related to the following underlying schema: angst - repressing - sublimating - death - drama - religion. In these performances, he identified with 'Christ, whose passion ended in a masochistic self-sacrifice'.
Swagers: 'I am proof of the general human drama, that is, the repression of death and the refusal to accept an aptitude for illness, both mental and physical. As such, my life is a fruitful agony of doubt, in which hope and fear alternate and in which just one principle is clear: if the world were explainable, my art would no longer exist. (...) I employ attributes and means which are intense in their effect. The symbolic acts I perform have a strongly regressive character, intended to reinstate our normally repressed confrontation with the universal human fate, death.'
(André Swagers, typewritten project description, archive De Appel / file Swagers)