Marjo Schumans "Hollandse Week: Een fietstocht door Holland en Nog wat rondjes in Amsterdam"
'On Thursday June 3, early in the morning, I will set off to cycle from Maastricht to Amsterdam, with my case of necessities on the rear carrier. I will stick to minor roads as much as possible, and en route I will keep Wies informed of any noteworthy occurences by phone. I will then document these events by taking Polaroid photos and in some cases by recording spoken or sung statement on an audio cassette. Wies expects me to arrive at De Appel on Sunday June 6. Then I will have until Tuesday June 8 to get my bearings. I know that my performances (of which I expect to do three) will take place on the Brouwersgracht and will most probably be done on a bicycle.'
(Marjo Schumans, project description, archive De Appel / file Schumans)
See also