OA/AO (onder andere/among others) with Robin Waart
de Appel, Schipluidenlaan 12, Amsterdam

November's OA/AO session will feature a programme around the book launch of Dedication(s) with Robin Waart and Jan Verwoert. The event will also mark the start of a new hallway installation which will run from 13 November–16 December. 'To C.L.S.', 'For A.L.M.', 'In Memory of J.V.C.' – Starting from his collection of three-letter dedications, Robin Waart's new artist book Dedication(s) looks at hidden and public modes of address. While these initial-only dedications appear in printed books, they remain private, intimate allusions between author and intended recipient. The project then infers the strange position of the reader who encounters these cryptic dedications, which perhaps get in the way of, or perhaps better clarify, the relationship between author and audience. Waart's project questions the relationship between a work and the reality in which it comes about, and why, and for whom, we make what we make.
At the book launch, Dedication(s) will be introduced by Robin Waart in a conversation with archivist Nell Donkers. Complementing this dialogue, art critic and curator Jan Verwoert will present his talk: "From debt to dedication, from performance to perfume."
All 27 dedications from the book will be on view on the windows of De Appel's first floor hallway. This installation will be partly accessible during exhibition opening hours. To view the entire installation visit during archive hours: Wednesdays and Thursdays 14:00-18:00.
The evening at De Appel will extend into Robin Waart's exhibition "A sense of things to come" at Bradwolff Projects, Amsterdam, opening Sunday, November 18th 16:00, and running till December 15th. The US launch of Dedication(s) is on December 1st at MoMA PS1 book space in New York. Find out more here. Tuesday, 13 November 20:00 (doors open 19:00) If you would like to attend, please RSVP: ( reservations [at] deappel.nl )
The publication of Dedication(s) has been made possible through support from Stichting Stokroos, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Noord-Holland, Stichting Niemeijer Fonds, Hinderrust Fonds and Harten Fonds. New work by Robin Waart is supported by the Mondriaan Fund.
OA/AO (onder andere/among others) is an ongoing series of screenings, presentations, and conversations that focus around a single work or object. These intimate gatherings feature a range of special guests who are invited to talk about a recent project, idea, or thing, followed by a conversation in which we encourage audience participation. Through these short presentations, De Appel assembles an ongoing collage of the current critical and creative world, asking invited guests to think through and articulate a position towards the material they present, among others.
Photo's from the night: