There’s Only Two Alex Baileys by Alex…

There’s Only Two Alex Baileys by Alex Bailey

de Appel, Prins Hendrikkade 142, Amsterdam

Drawing Simon Bailey, Design Richard John Jones

"Trust me - I'm an artist”, Gabriël Lester sometimes says. Is he trying to make us laugh? Since opening 'Unresolved' he's less Kanye and more Chris Brown.

Alex Bailey, the cousin of Stuart Bailey from Dexter Sinister, will briefly 'try' to understand Lester's compulsive necessity with word puns which include his own name. This senseless practice and others will be demonstrated; as will a pioneering water based singing technique and holistic approaches to mental health issues.

In the context of the exhibition Unresolved by Gabriel Lester, the artist has curated an extensive performance programme in which several other artists will take over the exhibition spaces.

Entrance regular entrance exhibition + 3 euro

please make reservations by sending an email to reservation [​at​]