Co-Speaking Programme: Een gebeuren #03
de Appel, Prins Hendrikkade 142, Amsterdam

A Performance by Philipp Gufler. By revising and adjoining on Ben d'Armagnac's performance at 1975 in de Appel art centre, he wants to embody the perspective from inside the cube and project the d'Armagnac's performance into the future.
Entrance regular + 3 euro
A combiticket is available for 15 euro (excluding the entrance to the exhibition). This combiticket gives entrance to all the events related to Untitled (two takes on crisis).
Event is part of the Co-Speaking programme under the project YOU MUST MAKE YOUR DEATH PUBLIC, part of the larger project Untitled (two takes on crisis), which takes place at de Appel arts centre, the from 23rd of April to the 12th of June, 2016. It is an initiative of the 2015-16 Curatorial Programme of de Appel arts centre.
Philipp Gufler
Philipp Gufler (1989) lives in Amsterdam. His work spans a variety of media including silkscreens, performances and video. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and the University of Art and Design in Karlsruhe. Since April 2013 he has been conducting research in the self-organised archive Forum Homosexualität München and in 2014 he published a video installation and an artist book by the same name - "Projection on the Crisis (Gauweilereien in Munich)". His work has been shown at Schwules Museum in Berlin, "Favoriten" in Lenbachhaus, Munich, “Videonale15” at Kunstmuseum Bonn and in the galleries Françoise Heitsch in Munich and Sassa Trülzsch in Berlin. Since September 2015 he is a participant at De Ateliers, Amsterdam.
Ben d’Armagnac
Ben d'Armagnac (1940 - 1978, both in Amsterdam) studied painting at the Rietveld academy in Amsterdam from 1960 - 1963 and moved 1965 shortly into the commune of Dutch artist Anton Heyboer in Landsmeer, who was an important influence on his early etchings. From 1967 on he worked together with Gerrit Dekker, e.g. on "Project for a bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, dining room, toilet and some non-specified spaces" at Galerie Mickery in 1969 in Amsterdam and abroad before shifting his focus to performance art in the early 1970s. He was one of the prominent Dutch artists to perform at De Appel in its early years. He drowned on the 28th of September 1986 in the Brouwersgracht in Amsterdam next to his house boot. On the day he was supposed to make a performance in Arnheim. The last time a bigger amount of his works were shown 2005-2006 at the one-person show "Making Life Come To Life" at the Museum Het Domein in Sittard, Netherlands.
Philipp Gufler
Philipp Gufler (1989) lives in Amsterdam. His work spans a variety of media including silkscreens, performances and video. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and the University of Art and Design in Karlsruhe. Since April 2013 he has been conducting research in the self-organised archive Forum Homosexualität München and in 2014 he published a video installation and an artist book by the same name - "Projection on the Crisis (Gauweilereien in Munich)". His work has been shown at Schwules Museum in Berlin, "Favoriten" in Lenbachhaus, Munich, “Videonale15” at Kunstmuseum Bonn and in the galleries Françoise Heitsch in Munich and Sassa Trülzsch in Berlin. Since September 2015 he is a participant at De Ateliers, Amsterdam.
Ben d’Armagnac
Ben d'Armagnac (1940 - 1978, both in Amsterdam) studied painting at the Rietveld academy in Amsterdam from 1960 - 1963 and moved 1965 shortly into the commune of Dutch artist Anton Heyboer in Landsmeer, who was an important influence on his early etchings. From 1967 on he worked together with Gerrit Dekker, e.g. on "Project for a bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, dining room, toilet and some non-specified spaces" at Galerie Mickery in 1969 in Amsterdam and abroad before shifting his focus to performance art in the early 1970s. He was one of the prominent Dutch artists to perform at De Appel in its early years. He drowned on the 28th of September 1986 in the Brouwersgracht in Amsterdam next to his house boot. On the day he was supposed to make a performance in Arnheim. The last time a bigger amount of his works were shown 2005-2006 at the one-person show "Making Life Come To Life" at the Museum Het Domein in Sittard, Netherlands.