Museu da Crise
de Appel, Prins Hendrikkade 142, Amsterdam

Museu da Crise is an international, ongoing social art project initiated in 2011 by Daniela Paes Leão and Merel Willemsen. Museu da Crise wants to offer an artistic challenge to the poor market-mindset and the hegemony of the financial sector. The main objective of Museu da Crise is to ‘museumify’ crisis and to turn it into a concept of the past. On Friday, May 27th Museu da Crise will host a performative reading that takes the notion of the broken social contract between citizens and state both as a starting point and a metaphor.
According to social contract theory in political philosophy, individuals have surrendered some of their freedoms and submitted to the authorities in exchange for the protection of their rights. When that authority appears only to serve the interests of multinationals and financial institutions and not those of the people, one could argue that the authority broke that social contract, thus leaving the individual with no obligation towards that authority. How can we effectively ignore the authorities and transform this action into a strategy for deviation?
This event is part of the extensive Public Programme that accompanies Rien ne va plus? Faites vos jeux!
Entrance regular + 3 euro
A combiticket is available for 15 euro (excluding the entrance to the exhibition). This combiticket gives entrance to all the events related to Untitled (two takes on crisis).