Michel Cardena

Michel Cardena (1934–2015)

Also known as
Miguel-Ángel CÑrdenas, Michel-Ángel Cardena, Cardena Warming Up etc. etc. etc. Company, Cardena Warming-Up Etc.


Cardena Warming Up etc. etc. etc. Company. 1934, Espinal, Colombia

Michel Cardena – video (with no title), archive

Invitation for several evenings with presentations by different artist, with special mention of the lecture by Harald Szeemann and picture of performance by Marja Samsom. Pink stamp of Michael Cardena on the invitation.
This invitation announces more artists and/or events

Invitation – march. april 1976
Harald Szeemann, Nancy Hoover, Michel Cardena, Gina Pane, Joseph Beuys, Marja Samsom, Ben d’ Armagnac, Tony Morgan, archive

Invitation for presentations seven artists and lecture by Harald Szeemann.

Cardena Warming Up etc. etc. etc. Company, archive

Stills of the video performance which was performed earlier during the Hollandse Week in June 1976.

November woensdag screening, archive

various artists wednesday screenings

Michel Cardena – Dutch Art Fair – Smiling And Barefoot Cardena Walks On Burning Coal, archive

Drawing and hand written description of the performance installation, with name of the artist printed.

Michel Cardena – Dutch Art Fair – Smiling And Barefoot Cardena Walks On Burning Coal, archive

Name of the performance

Michel Cardena – Dutch Art Fair – Smiling And Barefoot Cardena Walks On Burning Coal, archive

Picture of the performance

Michel Cardena – Dutch Art Fair – Smiling And Barefoot Cardena Walks On Burning Coal, archive

Name of the performance

Michel Cardena – Dutch Art Fair – Searching For Unity, archive

Name of the performance

Michel Cardena – Dutch Art Fair – Searching For Unity, archive

Name of the performance

Michel Cardena – Video Avond, archive

Data about the screening
This invitation announces more artists and/or events

Michel Cardena, archive

Data and picture of the performance
This invitation announces more artists and/or events

Michel Cardena – Somos Libres!?
Film Poster, archive

printed in A5, A4 and A3
and as a page in de Appel Bulletin