Marjo Schumans – Hollandse Week – Een fietstocht door Holland en Nog wat rondjes in Amsterdam
(A bike tour through Holland and some more rounds in Amsterdam)

- Titel
- Marjo Schumans – Hollandse Week – Een fietstocht door Holland en Nog wat rondjes in Amsterdam (A bike tour through Holland and some more rounds in Amsterdam)
- Type
- Collection (unintended)
- Artist
- Marjo Schumans
- Venue
- de Appel, Brouwersgracht
- Publisher
- Marjo Schumans
- Code
- 197613-COLL-002A
Image of package in pink tissue paper that consists 25 different sheets. Also on the package: silk ribbon, dryed flower (dandelion) sticked with adhesive tape and hand-written title in blue ink.
Unpacked by Marjo Schuman on 26 juli 2016