Natalia LL (1943)
1943, woont/werkt in Wroclaw
archief presentatie
Natalia LL β Permafo-suma, Prace Natalia LL 1970-1973

Natalia LL β Permafo-suma, Prace Natalia LL 1970-1973
Library Material β on artist
Natalia LL (Natalia Lach-Lachowicz) β Dreaming β documentatiemap

Natalia LL (Natalia Lach-Lachowicz) β Dreaming β documentatiemap
Library Material β on artist
aktuelle kunst in Osteuropa
jugoslawien polen rumΓ€nien sowjetunion tschechoslowakei ungarn

aktuelle kunst in Osteuropa
jugoslawien polen rumΓ€nien sowjetunion tschechoslowakei ungarn
Library Material β on group show
The art of eastern Europe 2000+
collection Moderna Galerija Ljubljana
The art of eastern Europe 2000+
collection Moderna Galerija Ljubljana
The art of eastern Europe 2000+
collection Moderna Galerija Ljubljana
Library Material β on group show
Folio Verlag
Folio Verlag
Frauen β Kunst-Neue Tendenzen

Frauen β Kunst-Neue Tendenzen
Library Material β on group show
Galerie Krinzinger
Galerie Krinzinger
1,2,3β¦ Avant-Gardes: Film/Art between Experiment and Archive
1,2,3β¦ Avant-Gardes: Film/Art between Experiment and Archive
1,2,3β¦ Avant-Gardes: Film/Art between Experiment and Archive
Library Material β on group show
CCA Ujazdowski Castle
CCA Ujazdowski Castle
Polish Art of the 1970s
Polish Art of the 1970s
Polish Art of the 1970s
Library Material β on group show
Polski Western
Polski Western
rebelle. art & feminism

rebelle. art & feminism
Library Material β on subject
Gemeentemuseum Arnhem
Gemeentemuseum Arnhem
Natalia LL. Dreaming 1978
Andrzej Lachowicz Concrete Photography 1977
Poland May 1978
Natalia LL. Dreaming 1978
Andrzej Lachowicz Concrete Photography 1977
Poland May 1978
Natalia LL. Dreaming 1978
Andrzej Lachowicz Concrete Photography 1977
Poland May 1978
Library Material β on group show
Transit 2 β mirror spiegel miroir
Transit 2 β mirror spiegel miroir
Transit 2 β mirror spiegel miroir
Library Material β on group show
Brummense Uitgeverij Van Luxe Werkjes
Brummense Uitgeverij Van Luxe Werkjes
Works and words. International art manifestation Amsterdam

Works and words. International art manifestation Amsterdam
Library Material β on group show
de Appel
de Appel
Feministische kunst internationaal β Performances, video, film, documentatie

Feministische kunst internationaal β Performances, video, film, documentatie
Library Material β on group show
de Appel
de Appel
Galeria Studio Bulletin 1978/00

Galeria Studio Bulletin 1978/00
Library Material β magazine
Studio Teatr Galeria, Warzawa
Studio Teatr Galeria, Warzawa
Permafo and others
Poland: Photo Art (from Data-nr.27-sept.1977)
Permafo and others
Poland: Photo Art (from Data-nr.27-sept.1977)
Permafo and others
Poland: Photo Art (from Data-nr.27-sept.1977)
Library Material β article
1,2,3β¦ Avant-Gardes: Film/Art between Experiment and Archive

1,2,3β¦ Avant-Gardes: Film/Art between Experiment and Archive
Library Material β on group show
CCA Ujazdowski Castle
CCA Ujazdowski Castle
Permafo bulletin 1978/12
Permafo bulletin 1978/12
Permafo bulletin 1978/12
Library Material β magazine