Cautionary Tales β Critical Curating
- Type
- on subject
- Auteur
- Boris Groys, Geeta Kapur, David Levi Strauss, Sara Arrhenius, Steven Rand, Heather Kouris, David Carrier, Kate Fowle, Dave Hickey, Young Chul Lee, Jean-Hubert Martin, Andras Szanto
- Editor
- Steven Rand, Heather Kouris
- Publisher
- Apexart, New York, 2007
- Code
See also
Aesthetic Justice β Intersecting Artistic and Moral Perspectives
Aesthetic Justice β Intersecting Artistic and Moral Perspectives
Artists in the Archive β Creative and Curatorial Engagements with Documents of Art and Performance
Artists in the Archive β Creative and Curatorial Engagements with Documents of Art and Performance
Cave 1 β Territories
Cave 1 β Territories
8th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art
8th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art
8th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art
Boekmancahier 24
Boekmancahier 24
Boekmancahier 24