
Niels Van Tomme AMSTERDAM, etcetera
Turns 40

MUNTADAS (with BALTIMORE, again, again)

Becoming minor; practicing thoughtful diminution

Director of De Appel (2016–2018) (humming)

BUCHAREST/BRUSSELS Bucharest Biennale 7: What are we building down there? (2016) What is the difference between a fairytale in the West and a fairytale in the East? A fairytale in the West starts with the words “Once upon a time there was…” A fairytale in the East starts with the words “Once upon a time there will be…”

Contributor to THE WIRE (2016–)

NEW YORK, still Aesthetic Justice: Intersecting Artistic and Moral Perspectives (2015) (with Pascal Gielen)

NICO VAN TOMME is born on June 17, 2015 Sonja completes her PhD in Cinema Studies at New York University (2015)

Visibility Machines: Harun Farocki and Trevor Paglen (2014-16) (BALTIMORE, again, but also BERLIN and CHICAGO)

Adjunct professor at the New School (2014)

BALTIMORE Where Do We Migrate To? (2011-16) (a question we continue to ask, see: January 20, 2017) Visiting curator, Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture, UMBC, Baltimore (2011–2016, the era of academic research translated into accessible and often confrontational exhibitions)

NEW YORK (without D.C.) Contributing editor, ART PAPERS (2011–)

JENS VAN TOMME is born on November 1, 2011

NEW YORK/WASHINGTON D.C. “It serves to remind its audience that history, no matter how shameful, painful, and inconceiv­able to us in the present, can always repeat itself, or rather, can always be repeated again.” (Revisiting Histories, 2009–2010)

Contributor to Foreign Policy in Focus (2009–2010) (a familiar tale, see: The European Loser and What is Democracy?) Curator, Director of Arts and Media at Provisions Library (2008–2011)

WASHINGTON D.C. Onthaasting: About Spare Time and Slower Worlds (2008) MA in Cultural Studies at the University of Leuven (2007)

MULTIMEDIALE (2007, with Randall Packer, capturing the capital)

ANTWERP, interlude Marries SONJA SIMONYI (2006) in BUDAPEST INward OUTward (2005), first exhibition

BRUSSELS MA in Audiovisual Arts from RITSC School of Arts (2002)

Born in 1977 in Belgium

(Kim Nguyen, 2017)