As a private or corporate contributor you can choose to contribute to the program of de Appel on an annual or non-recurring basis.
de Appel is a charity: the organization has been labeled as ANBI and is therefor exempt from succession and gift-tax. Supporting De Appel can thus be fiscally favorable for both private as corporate contributors. Private contributors may deduct 1,25 times the amount of the gift from their Dutch income-tax declaration in 2017. Businesses that are categorized as VN may deduct 1,5 times the amount of the gift from their corporate tax-declaration. The belastingdienst (Tax Authorities); contributes to your donation. More information can be found on the website of the Dutch Tax Authorities.
Address: Foppinga dreef 22, 1102 BS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Account name: Stichting de Appel, Amsterdam
IBAN number: NL58ABNA0466401027
Chambre of commerce number: NL41197650
VAT number: NL003339567B01