Ben d'Armagnac "An event"
de Appel, Brouwersgracht 196, Amsterdam

Β© Oscar van Alphen, Amsterdam

Β© Oscar van Alphen, Amsterdam

Β© Oscar van Alphen, Amsterdam
June 14 1975, 20.00 h.: Een gebeuren
In the performance space a box of 2.16 meters length and 1.14 meters width and depth - built by d'Armagnac himself - was installed. The long sides were made of glass, while the short ones were made of plastic. The sheets of glass were painted white on the inside. Of the plastic sheets, one had a zip and the other netting for air. In the box stood bowls containing diluted honey, while inside about two thousand flies were swarming around.
The artist entered the box, dressed in long white underpants and a white shirt with a hole in it. His wrists and upper arms had bandages wrapped around them. His left forearm was wounded by means of a razor blade. For two hours d'Armagnac scraped the paint off the glass, until three circles with a diameter of approximately one meter appeared. Meanwhile the flies were attracted to the blood and the honey he had rubbed on his arms.
June 14-25 1975: exhibition, containing:
- 3 sheets edited by Seriaal Amsterdam in 1974
- 1 sheet (blueprint) distilled from an 8-mm film d'Armagnac made with Gerrit Dekker, which was shown in De Appel on November 28, 1974
- 1 edition and 1 video tape resulting from the action d'Armagnac performed in Gallery de Mangelgang (Groningen) on December 7, 1974.