Resonant Bodies, Voices, Memories
- Type
- on subject
- Author
- Imogen Stidworthy, Jalal Toufic, Suely Rolnik, Mladen Dolar, Jeroen Fabius, Brigitte Felderer, Ernst van Alphen, Gunndis Finnbogadottir
- Editor
- Katarina Zdjelar, Anke Bangma, Lina Issa, Deirdre Donoghue
- Publisher
- Piet Zwart institute, Rotterdam, 2008
- Code
See also
Acting out β The body in video: Then and now
Acting out β The body in video: Then and now
Acting out β The body in video: Then and now
Ulay β Fototot
Ulay β Fototot
Carolee Schneemann β Correspondence Course: An Epistolary History of Carolee Schneemann and Her Circle
Carolee Schneemann β Correspondence Course: An Epistolary History of Carolee Schneemann and Her Circle
Body as a Visual Language
Body as a Visual Language
Body as a Visual Language