Alison Knowles
Sound out of silent space. Born in New York, lives/works there
Alison Knowles β Collections from the full moon, archive
Basic information and picture of the performance.
Alison Knowles β Collections from the full moon, archive
Short resume of Alison Knowles and description of the performance.
Performers of this performance: Barbara Bloom, Otto Middelkoop, Alison Knowles, Peter van Riper
Alison Kwowles β Objects in hand, archive
Data about the performance and exhibition and short resume. Also an announcement of the next regular wednesday film evening.
Alison Knowles, Malcolm Goldstein & Philip Corner β Songs From Image, archive
Picture of the installation and data about the performance
Elaine Harnett β Out Of Necessity, Up Against The Wall & Tentoonstelling, archive
data and image of the performance
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