International 04 – Liverpool Biennial of International Contemporary Art
- Type
- on group show
- Artist
- Maria Eichhorn, Yael Bartana, Lara Almárcegui, Marjetica Potrč, Yoko Ono, Jill Magid, Martha Rosler, Raqs Media Collective, Esko Männikkö, Shen Yuan, Carl Michael von Hauswolff, Rawanchaikul, Sanja Iveković, Margreiter, Yang Fudong, Torolab, Santiago Sierra, Artigas, Manglano-Ovalle, Aksamija, Can & Lewandowska, Danko, Dias & Riedweg, Satch Hoyt, Yong Ping, Jodice, Peter Johansson, Kaligofsky, Koh, Kuluncic, Macia, Meireles, Poledna, Valeska Soares, Hoy Cheong, Goang-ming, Yeondoo Jung, Luis Camnitzer, Ursula Biemann
- Publisher
- Liverpool Biennial of Contemporary Art, Liverpool, 1999
- Venue
- Liverpool Biennial
- Code
- Details
- 264 pages
+ CD Santiago Sierra
zie MAG-J-1
See also
Bienal de la Habana – The Revolution Must Be a School of Unfettered Thought. A dramatised echo of the Third World Exhibition and the Cultural Congress of Havana 1968
Bienal de la Habana – The Revolution Must Be a School of Unfettered Thought. A dramatised echo of the Third World Exhibition and the Cultural Congress of Havana 1968
Bienal de la Habana – The Revolution Must Be a School of Unfettered Thought. A dramatised echo of the Third World Exhibition and the Cultural Congress of Havana 1968
Altermodern, Tate Triennial 2009
Altermodern, Tate Triennial 2009
Altermodern, Tate Triennial 2009
Azione di Ricognizione Collettiva nel Teritorio della Citta’ di Roma
Azione di Ricognizione Collettiva nel Teritorio della Citta’ di Roma
Azione di Ricognizione Collettiva nel Teritorio della Citta’ di Roma
8th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art
8th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art
8th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art
5. Berlin Biennale für Zeitgenössische Kunst – When things cast no shadow – short guide night
5. Berlin Biennale für Zeitgenössische Kunst – When things cast no shadow – short guide night