Huibersschool, Amsterdam

Kunstklassen © Maarten Nauw
What happens to a work of art when it is re-contextualised?
When it leaves the archive and is placed into the context of a primary school?
The questions mentioned above are the object of investigation for the children participating in the ‘kunstklassen project’. The work ‘Brinco’ by Judi Werthein functions as a starting point for this series of workshops. In 2005, she designed the Brinco sneaker for migrants who travel by foot from Mexico to the United States of America. Driven by the idea of the American Dream they risk the leap (brinco) into a better future through, often illegally, crossing the border. The children investigate the sneaker with its hidden secrets and tools, including: a compass, flashlight, map of the border, and hidden pockets for money and medicines needed for the journey. During the weekly workshops they will reflect on and react to this art piece through means of their own creations.

The educational programme ‘Kunstklassen’ originated as a direct response to the request from various schools to incorporate more contemporary art into their curriculum. The programme enacts this by placing contemporary art objects from De Appel’s archive directly into the classrooms. De Appel has a unique “Unintended Collection” of art objects, documents, artifact, doodles, and correspondences that were donated by artists over the past forty years. During ‘Kunstklassen’ these artworks are placed in a school context and activated by the teachers, students and parents through different workshops taking place both at the schools and at De Appel.
For more info about all education projects: ( Education )

Kunstklassen © Maarten Nauw