de Appel, Prins Hendrikkade 142, Amsterdam

Egbert Switters, Open Avond of 7 March 1979 bij de Appel arts centre. Courtesy het archief van de Appel.
For more than a year, between 1979 and 1980, every first Wednesday of the month, de Appel offered artists the opportunity to show their work, on the sole condition they made their proposal at least one day in advance so that a programme could be compiled.
Such a stage offered many performance artists the opportunity to show and test their work. Following the traces of this tradition, "Open Avond(S)" proposes artists a similarly open space, through an open call, in order to connect history with current practices.
"Open Avond(S)" is a series of events, each one is generated in response to materials from the archive of de Appel - an institution considered one of the earliest supporters and promoters of performance art in Europe.
An open call was available to participate to the Open Avond, resulting in the following programme.
Movements in Light, Nan Hoover, 1976
Nan Hoover’s videotapes often evoke associations with quiescent ‘landscapes’. This is one of earliest works or study showing a recognizable subject, which anticipates more articulated installation works.
‘Before the departure. Travel in Light, Nan Hoover', De Appel, 7 (1987), p. 10
A text by Louwrien Wijers published on the de Appel zine in occasion of the presentation of the sketches for Travel in Light. Read by Daniel Vorthuys.
D/E by Leonie Kuipers performed by Angelo Custodio
-[...] Falsetto is the vocal register occupying the frequency range just above the modal voice register and overlapping with it by approximately one octave.-
The Letter U by Clara J:son Borg
The letter U is a performance investigating history, memories and verbal language in relation to cognitive, emotional and kinetic processes. It aims to form a discussion about our understanding time, history and how this affects our everyday life and politics.
Dear _____ , #3 by Chun-Han Chiang
Listen to me carefully when I am talking.
Listen to me more carefully when I am not.
The Florence Tape, Douglas Davis, 1974, video extract
Lola G.
“Sometimes I feel that the rapper I dreamt to be is continuously limited by its own desire to exist...”
Then, Allan Kaprow, 1974, video
Three actions, which cover a certain space of time, and eventually dissolve into a moment.
-- break --
A Listening Group by Nolwenn Salaun
A listening group invites you to take part in a close reading of a major musical piece, major but left in the shadow. It was composed in the XVIIIth century in London by a group of Italian composers - named the Opera of Nobility - who gathered to react against the stable power the German composer Handel had at the time, within the British musical scene.
ABC - We Print Everything - In the Cards, Carolee Schneemann, 1975-76
Original publication documenting the emotional chaos of two tangled relationships, printed on 156 index cards, each with an accompanying image card. One of 151 copies.
Presented by Rose Akras with Titus Nouwens, Petros Orfanos and Emma Panza.
I don’t need a text by I need a pretext by Natasha Papadopoulou
A solo performance taking the form of a rampage of non-linear talking, with sporadic gaps and spaces of questions, informed by honesty, directness and contemporaneity.
Franco-Flemish Songs of the Reinassance, Iduna Institute for Strategic Imitation & Delay, video, 2016
Employing found footages of Reinaissance fairs, the video draws parallels between the impulses of these type of re-enactments and the Iduna Institute’s methodology.
The videos by Nan Hoover, Allan Kaprow and Davis Douglas belong to a collection initiated by Wies Smals. Courtesy by LIMA and de Appel arts centre.
The Open Avond(S) series is initiated by Emma Ines Panza, with the assistance of Titus Nouwens.
For this edition Rose Akras is invited as guest advisor to work on the presentation of the historical documents from the archive of de Appel. She has been working in the professional performance and dance field in Brazil, USA and Europe, and she is the artistic director of FLAM (Forum of Live Art Amsterdam). Recently her work appeared at Manifesta 11/Cabaret Voltaire in Zürich, and 'Let's keep secrets', exhibition on the work of Michael Gibbs (Stedelijk Museum, Soldedad Senlle Art Foundation, Nov/Dec. 2016).
Special thanks to: Nell Donkers, Sara Giannini, Guus van Engelshoven, Aurèlien Lepetit, Orion Maxted, Petros Orfanos, Florence Parot and Daniel Vorthuys.
3 euro (for participants symposium "You're such a curator" entrance free)
No reservation needed