Co-Speaking Programme: Cake For Us Cake By Us
de Appel, Prins Hendrikkade 142, Amsterdam

CAKE FOR US CAKE BY US is an intergenerational feminist feast to honour and celebrate invisibilised feminist artists of past generations by bringing their practices to the present.
With exuberant cream cakes, each dedicated to an individual, a collaboration or group of devalorized, yet influential feminist artist(s), maker(s), collaborator(s), friend(s) or family.
And a seminar by Simone Koller and Mara Züst about the work and life of artist Doris Stauffer (*1934).
CAKE FOR US CAKE BY US is hosted by Amal Alhaag and Maria Guggenbichler (Side Room).
Entrance regular + 3 euro
A combiticket is available for 15 euro (excluding the entrance to the exhibition). This combiticket gives entrance to all the events related to Untitled (two takes on crisis).
Event is part of the Co-Speaking programme under the project YOU MUST MAKE YOUR DEATH PUBLIC, part of the larger project Untitled (two takes on crisis), which takes place at de Appel arts centre, the from 23rd of April to the 12th of June, 2016. It is an initiative of the 2015-16 Curatorial Programme of de Appel arts centre.
More information about Co-Speaking Programme
How can we respectfully engage with the feminist art practitioners, their practices and thinking, of the generations who came before us – in ways more committed and caring than merely instrumentalising their work as stepping stone within the institutions; in ways more sustainable and relevant for present day practitioners than merely cashing in from the profit margin (and trope) of "(re-)discovering" marginalised, unvalued positions and integrating them into the art market? How could we challenge the marginalisation to begin with? What are our methods, networks, and communities, to give value to ourselves and to each other?
What (feminist) value?
CAKE FOR US CAKE BY US looks into the ongoing and critical engagement with the economics of intergenerational feminism by bringing the discourse around the historisation of feminism to the forefront to celebrate ignored, disregarded, and odd voices of the previous four decades.
Cream cake homages by:
Teresa María Díaz Nerio
Ayesha Ghanchi
Girls Like Us
Maria Guggenbichler & Amal Alhaag (Side Room)
Hell Fun (Josefin Arnell & Max Göran)
Simone Koller & Mara Züst
Chris Kraus
Sands Murray-Wassink
Mylou Oord
Redmond (Hodan Warsame & Tirza Balk)
Doris Stauffer
Strange Fruit
Margaret Tali
Marina Vishmidt
Simone Zeefuik
Felicia von Zweigbergk
Cakes, coffee, Chai tea – and a seminar by Simone Koller and Mara Züst about the work and life of artist Doris Stauffer.
"In 1969, the life of artist Doris Stauffer, then 25 years old, changed drastically when she decided to join the women's movement and break free from her secluded life as mother of three and housewife. Shortly afterwards, she started teaching at the Zurich School of Applied Arts. With courses like Teamworkand Hexenkurs (Witches Course), a privately run and women only program, she soon pioneered experimental art education by combining art, play and politics. As a co-founder of Frauenbefreiungsbewegung FBB (Women's Liberation Movement) and the F+F School for Experimental Design, Doris Stauffer was a well-known figure in Switzerland during the 1970s, but was forgotten when she withdrew from public activities in the 1980s.
In 2013, thanks to an exhibition about her husband, artist Serge Stauffer (1929–1989), Simone Koller and Mara Züst first took notice of Doris Stauffer, and started visiting her to get to know more about her life and work. The outcome of their research was an exhibition at Les Complices*, Zurich: Doris Stauffer: der januar, der februar, der märz, die april, die mai, die welt (2014), as well as the workshop Doris Stauffer: Wir brauchen eine gänzlich neue Art von Leben(We need an entirely new way of living, 2014). Last year, Simone and Mara published the monograph Doris Stauffer (Scheidegger & Spiess, Zurich), that emerged in coordination with Doris Stauffer."
During their seminar, Simone and Mara will present their research, discuss their research process and methods, and will show various materials from Doris Stauffer's archive.
Entrance regular + 3 euro
A combiticket is available for 15 euro (excluding the entrance to the exhibition). This combiticket gives entrance to all the events related to Untitled (two takes on crisis).
Event is part of the Co-Speaking programme under the project YOU MUST MAKE YOUR DEATH PUBLIC, part of the larger project Untitled (two takes on crisis), which takes place at de Appel arts centre, the from 23rd of April to the 12th of June, 2016. It is an initiative of the 2015-16 Curatorial Programme of de Appel arts centre.
More information about Co-Speaking Programme:
Irwan Ahmett & Tita Salina – Total Cleansing Act (Purchase Order) Curatorial Programme 2016 Untitled (Two Takes On one Crisis) You Must Make Your Death Public by curators Jussi Koitela, Renee Mboya, Asep Topan
collection (unintended), 2016