Impossible Meditation. Dedication to the De Kosmos Meditatiecentrum
de Appel, Prins Hendrikkade 142, Amsterdam

Listening session Impossible Meditation. Dedication to the De Kosmos Meditatiecentrum (1969-1992) programmed by Olegue Zabava.
The listening session owes its inception to the De Kosmos Meditation Centre that was housed in the De Appel building in the years 1969 to 1992 and was an important hub for these searching for meaning and self-development. In pursuing this goal the Meditation centre had encouraged testing all known religious and spiritual theories and practices.
Nowadays the old problem of how to live our lives seems more relevant than ever before. But the questions What are we? Why do we exist? Is there purpose in life?, which had massively influenced the generation of the 70’s sound dubious. Not only because the search for the answers in the spiritualistic knowledge may be obsolete, but the very posing of the questions is problematic and requires upheaval especially in the light of the posthumanist discourses. Surprisingly meditation, a classical method of finding the foundation of self-knowledge, appeal to us as the possibility for immersion into quite an opposite state. Just like Malick’s and Tolstoy’s protagonists in the state of perpetual meditation, one could find himself/herself in an unknown landscape of eternity, far from the past, present and future.
The listening session Impossible Meditation suggests reimagining the meditation tools out of spiritual and healing traditions and is conceived not as music for meditation but rather as meditation itself.