Beautiful Soup – Five Inclusion Tactics for Seven Curators
Opening: 3 maart om 14:00
de Appel, Schipluidenlaan 12, Amsterdam

De Appel is trots Beautiful Soup te hosten. Dit is een presentatie van zeven curatoriële praktijken. Het is gebaseerd op het thema van inclusie-tactieken voor curatoren, en adresseert vijf sleutelbegrippen: empowerment, ondersteuning, coöperaties, openheid en eerlijkheid. De deelnemende curatoren zijn: Jeanette Bisschops, CHANG Eunha, Sofía Dourron, Manique Hendricks, MOK Honggyun, Ong Jo-Lene, en YUN Minhwa. Het project wordt ondersteund vanuit het Nederlands-Koreaanse International Arts Joint Fund, ter viering van 60 jaar diplomatieke betrekkingen tussen beide landen.
Beautiful Soup opent met een symposium op 3 maart, van 14-16:00. Iedereen is van harte welkom.
Het schema:
14:00: Opening Lara
14:05: Introductie MOK Honggyun
10 minuten: CHANG Eunha
10 minuten: Jeanette Bisschops
10 minuten: YUN Minhwa
10 minuten: Manique Hendriks
10 minuten: MOK Honggyun
20 minuten: discussion: 5 curators
10 minuten: Q&A
Over de curatoren
Jeanette Bisschops is an independent Dutch curator, art critic and writer residing in New York. Interested in expanding and challenging dominant narratives within the art world, her current work researches how artists' practices are challenging our social imagination. She was Curatorial Fellow at the New Museum, New York between 2019 and 2022 and served as Curatorial Assistant for Time-Based Media at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam between 2016-2019.
Eunha CHANG is an independent curator and researcher based in Seoul, working between contemporary art theory and ecology. She has recently graduated with distinction from an MA in Contemporary Art Theory at Goldsmiths, University of London. She has worked as a director, curator, programme coordinator in various projects across Europe and Asia.
Sofía Dourron is an independent curator, researcher and writer based in Buenos Aires. Her current work researches the relationships between Latin American decolonial perspectives and post-humanist philosophy, the notion of the decolonization of the unconscious, ecological thinking, and artistic practices and imaginations.
Art historian Manique Hendricks works at the Frans Hals Museum as curator of contemporary art. As a freelance curator, writer and researcher she specializes in contemporary (media) art, visual- and digital culture. In her practice she touches upon themes as identity, representation, the body, camp and club culture. Manique’s writings have been published by Stedelijk Studies, NXS Magazine, Mister Motley, The Institute of Network Cultures, Tubelight and The Hmm. Additionally, she acts as an advisor for the Mondrian Fund and part of the boards of Nieuwe Vide and Jong VNK.
Honggyun MOK is an independent curator. She was working as a curatorial director for the 2021–2022 Korea-Netherlands Arts Joint. She directed the curatorial research Project The Great Museum (KOFICE,2021), curated Private Song I (DOOSAN Gallery, 2020), The City of Homeless (ARKO, 2016), co-curated The Manual: Parts & Labour (Culture Factory Osan, 2014) and participated for a curatorial fellowship at De Appel, a researcher at Tokyo Art and Space and V&A London.
Ong Jo-Lene is a curator and teacher in Amsterdam of Malaysian-Hokkien heritage. Her practice engages with all manners of counter-colonial ways of speaking, sensing, organising, and knowing. She is currently in-residence in Delfina Foundation pursuing a constellation of research on the capacity of diasporic experiences of language in metabolising boundaries, on the shadows of Cold War violence in dislocating communities in Asia.
Minhwa Yun is an independent curator. Yun is currently studying for a doctorate program in Posthuman Studies at Ewha Womans University. She has curated and organized many exhibitions, including Translate into Mother Tongue(Doosan Gallery Seoul/New York, 2013), Seoul Mediacity Biennale 2018(SeMA, 2018), Earthbound(Amado Art Space, 2020), Panorama Object(d/p, 2020), Anthrophony(Mullae Art Space, 2021).
Deelnemende kunstenaars en schrijvers
Goeun Bae, Simnikiwe Buhlungu, Ibanjiha, Kang Seung Lee, Alvin Tran, Eunsong Kim, Yeong Ran Kim, Alvin Tran, Alaa Abu Asad, Mooni Perry, TJ Shin, Chulayarnnon Siriphol, Hwang Miyojo, Yun Choi, Sofía Durrieu, Ana María Gómez López, Chaveli Sifre, Landa Hernández, EMIRHAKIN, Art.Goss, PHILTH HAUS, Young Joon Kwak & Kim Ye, Bin Koh, Charlotte Rohde, Zippora Elders, Ka-Tjun Hau, Haitian Ma, Seungjoon Choi, Gabriela Golder, Ha Saetbyul, Kim Haemin, Lee Wonho, Werker Collective, Francis Annagu, Klega, Nam Woong, Jesse Chun, Nina Djekić, Sung Hwan Kim (and David Michael DiGregorio), Okui Lala, Nasrikah & PERTIMIG, Liz Ferrer and Bow Ty, Finn Maätita & Jerrold Saija, Isola Tong, Insook Bae, Mirim Chu, Hyejin Jo.