BUSY DAY radio broadcast by Christine Sun Kim and Thomas Mader
Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee, Amsterdam
Each contributor’s hour description is available online, to make the project not only sonically but also conceptually accessible for viewers who prefer to read. Please find the PDF with all descriptions here: ( BUSY DAY PDF )
00. Taeyoon Choi, Artist/Teacher
( www.taeyoonchoi.com )
01. Bill Dietz, Composer
( www.tutorialdiversions.org )
02. Matana Roberts, Musician
( www.matanaroberts.com )
03. Aron Sanchez, Musician
( www.polyphonicworkshop.com )
( www.bukeandgase.com )
04. Joseph del Pesco, Director/Curator
( www.delpesco.com )
( www.kadist.org )
05. Gordon Hall, Artist
( www.gordonhall.net )
06. Pauline Oliveros, Musician/Teacher
( www.paulineoliveros.us )
( www.deeplistening.org )
07. Zach Layton, Artist
( www.zachlaytonindustries.com )
08. David Horvitz, Artist
( www.davidhorvitz.com )
09. Marc Handelman, Artist
( www.marchandelman.com )
10. Tully Arnot, Artist
( www.tullyarnot.com )
11. Deville Cohen, Artist
( www.devillecohen.com )
12. Ryan Holladay with Hays Holladay, Musicians/Sound Artists
( www.bluebra.in )
13. Gryphon Rue with Cosmo Sheldrake, Musicians
( www.gryphonrue.com )
( www.cosmosheldrake.com )
14. Anna Moschovakis, Writer
( www.uglyducklingpresse.org )
15. Harper Reed, CTO/Hacker
( www.harperreed.com )
( www.modest.com )
16. Shoham Arad, Designer/Director
( www.shohamarad.com )
( www.ted.com/participate/ted-fe
part of ( BUSY DAYS with Christine Sun Kim )
other BUSY DAYS interventions: ( INTERVIEW: an interview with Christine Sun Kim and Thomas Mader ) ( LAUTPLAN: a lecture-performance by Christine Sun Kim ) ( AVAILABLE SPACES: presentation of two series of drawings by Christine Sun Kim ) ( CLOSE READINGS: presentation of Close Readings video-installation by Christine Sun Kim )
see also ( De Appel Editions #1: Christine Sun Kim )