Hard Art CP Public Seminar with Darby English
de Appel, Schipluidenlaan 12, Amsterdam

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CP Open Seminar with Darby English
A Special Session of De Appel’s Curatorial Programme open to prospective participants
WHERE: De Appel Aula at Broedplaats Lely,
Schipluidenlaan 12,
Amsterdam Nieuw-West
Open for credit to students of Universiteit van Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit, and members of NICA.
Participants without academic affiliation welcome.
Darby English leads a special 3-day seminar that guides participants through the development of an art history, a way of reading and lending context to the social life of art, that offers tools for serious engagement with contemporary urgencies. Three questions which connect the days arise: How to perceive key works of art and artists’ practice, including their role as exhibition makers, in greater depth and dimension? (Greater especially than “instituted meanings of subjectivity and crisis representation”.) How to make such art truly public? And how then, together, constituting a public, “to sit hard with and listen to what fights meaning and how?” On each of the 3 days, English takes as a point of departure a different body of research: two published books and one book in the making:
14 January 1971: A Year in the Life of Color (2018)
11:00 - 15:45
With special attention to the “De Luxe Show” an exhibition integrating experiments in abstraction curated by painter, Peter Bradley in a former movie theater in Houston's 5th Ward on the invitation of patrons Dominique and John de Menil.
15 January To Describe a Life: Notes on the Intersection of Art and Race Terror (2019)
11:00 - 15:45
With special attention to “Differing, Drawn”, a chapter on the “Skin Set” drawings of Pope.l, forthcoming artist at De Appel in 2022.
16 January 'Purifroy/Robert', a rare chance to hear about Darby English’s unpublished research
11:00 - 15:45
(There will also be an opportunity to discuss English’s recent research into MoMA’s collecting policy summarized in his editorial project Among Others: Blackness at MoMA (2019))
Please submit requests for participation with the heading “Darby English Seminar” to reservations [at] deappel.nl or to affiliated faculties.
De Appel’s Public Programme is supported by Mondriaan Fonds and AFK
De Appel’s Curatorial Programme is supported by Stichting Hartwig Foundation
Special thanks to Prof. Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes, Academic Director, Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture at the Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA). Additional thanks to Prof Ihab Saloul of UvA, Dr. Murat Aydemir of the Dutch Institute for Cultural Analysis (NICA) and to Dr. Sven Lütticken of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU).
Note on the Seminar Setting
The seminar will take place inside the Aula of Broedplaats Lely, Schipluidenlaan 12, Amsterdam Nieuw-West. The model of the Lorraine Motel (where Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968), produced by Boym Partners and described in detail by Darby English in his lecture, The King’s Two Bodies, enters the space of the Aula at De Appel and takes on a new life among this resonant environment.
* This will be the first event inside a month-long process of gathering, listening and planning inside De Appel’s Aula.