Maria Hlavajova
Thinking forward β who if not we...? should at last imagine the future of all this β 7 episodes on )ex)changing europe
Thinking forward β who if not we...? should at last imagine the future of all this β 7 episodes on )ex)changing europe
Thinking forward β who if not we...? should at last imagine the future of all this β 7 episodes on )ex)changing europe
Library Material β on group show
Thinking forward β Cordially invited episode 3
who if not we...? should at last imagine the future of all this β 7 episodes on )ex)changing europe
Thinking forward β Cordially invited episode 3
who if not we...? should at last imagine the future of all this β 7 episodes on )ex)changing europe
Thinking forward β Cordially invited episode 3
who if not we...? should at last imagine the future of all this β 7 episodes on )ex)changing europe
Library Material β on group show
Denisa Lehocka, Boris Ondreicka β Landschap/landscapecka
Denisa Lehocka, Boris Ondreicka β Landschap/landscapecka
Denisa Lehocka, Boris Ondreicka β Landschap/landscapecka
Library Material β on artist
All that dutch β over internationaal cultuurbeleid
All that dutch β over internationaal cultuurbeleid
All that dutch β over internationaal cultuurbeleid
Library Material β on subject
Gerrit Dekker β Over geen beneden, geen boven, geen zijkanten
Gerrit Dekker β Over geen beneden, geen boven, geen zijkanten
Gerrit Dekker β Over geen beneden, geen boven, geen zijkanten
Library Material β on artist
Thinking forward β cultural program as part of the dutch presidency of the european union
Thinking forward β cultural program as part of the dutch presidency of the european union
Thinking forward β cultural program as part of the dutch presidency of the european union
Library Material β on group show
Becoming oneself β four conversations on art and institutional creativity today
Becoming oneself β four conversations on art and institutional creativity today
Becoming oneself β four conversations on art and institutional creativity today
Library Material β on subject
Now what? Dreaming a better world in six parts
Now what? Dreaming a better world in six parts
Now what? Dreaming a better world in six parts
Library Material β on subject
Once is nothing β Individual sysytems
Once is nothing β Individual sysytems
Once is nothing β Individual sysytems
Library Material β on group show
Citizens and Subjects β The Netherlands, for example β A Critical Reader
Citizens and Subjects β The Netherlands, for example β A Critical Reader
Citizens and Subjects β The Netherlands, for example β A Critical Reader
Library Material β on subject
Bergen Biennial Conference β reader

Bergen Biennial Conference β reader
Library Material β on subject
Mona Vatamanu & Florin Tudor β Surplus Value
Mona Vatamanu & Florin Tudor β Surplus Value
Mona Vatamanu & Florin Tudor β Surplus Value
Library Material β on artist
The Biennial Reader β An Anthology on Large-Scale Perennial Exhibitions of Contemporary Art
The Biennial Reader β An Anthology on Large-Scale Perennial Exhibitions of Contemporary Art
The Biennial Reader β An Anthology on Large-Scale Perennial Exhibitions of Contemporary Art
Library Material β on subject
Cantz Verlag
Cantz Verlag
Concerning war β A critical reader
Concerning war β A critical reader
Concerning war β A critical reader
Library Material β on subject
Aernout Mik β Communitas
Aernout Mik β Communitas
Aernout Mik β Communitas
Library Material β on artist
Rabih MrouΓ©: A BAK Critical Reader Series in Artistsβ Practice
Rabih MrouΓ©: A BAK Critical Reader Series in Artistsβ Practice
Rabih MrouΓ©: A BAK Critical Reader Series in Artistsβ Practice
Library Material β on artist
Continuing Dialogues β A Tribute To Igor Zabel
Continuing Dialogues β A Tribute To Igor Zabel
Continuing Dialogues β A Tribute To Igor Zabel
Library Material β on subject
JRP Ringier
JRP Ringier
Lawrence Weiner β Dicht Bij
Lawrence Weiner β Dicht Bij
Lawrence Weiner β Dicht Bij
Library Material β on artist
We Roma β A BAK Critical Reader in Contemporary Art

We Roma β A BAK Critical Reader in Contemporary Art
Library Material β on subject
On Horizons β A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art

On Horizons β A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art
Library Material β on subject
Borderline syndrome β Energies of Defence β European Biennial of Contemporary Art Ljubljana, Slovenia
Borderline syndrome β Energies of Defence β European Biennial of Contemporary Art Ljubljana, Slovenia
Borderline syndrome β Energies of Defence β European Biennial of Contemporary Art Ljubljana, Slovenia
Library Material β on group show
Cankarjev dom Ljubljana
Cankarjev dom Ljubljana
The Museum as a Workshop
The Museum as a Workshop
The Museum as a Workshop
Library Material β on subject
Metropolis M
Metropolis M
Metropolis M Books Series β To Seminar
Metropolis M Books Series β To Seminar
Metropolis M Books Series β To Seminar
Library Material β on subject
Metropolis M
Metropolis M
Marion von Osten β Once We Were Artists (A Critical Reader in Artistβs Practice)

Marion von Osten β Once We Were Artists (A Critical Reader in Artistβs Practice)
Library Material β on subject
Former West β Art and the Contemporary after 1989

Former West β Art and the Contemporary after 1989
Library Material β on subject
Open 2009 β No.16 β The Art Biennial as a Global Phenomenon
Open 2009 β No.16 β The Art Biennial as a Global Phenomenon
Open 2009 β No.16 β The Art Biennial as a Global Phenomenon
Library Material β magazine
Future Publics (The Rest Can and Should be Done by the People)
A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art

Future Publics (The Rest Can and Should be Done by the People)
A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art
Library Material β on subject