John Liggins
John Liggins β Elemental Actions
John Liggins β Elemental Actions
John Liggins β CRES β WISH
John Liggins β CRES β WISH
John Liggins β Documentation 1982
John Liggins β Documentation 1982
John Liggins β Documentation 1982
Dutch Directons
Dutch Directons
John Liggins β Exchanging languages
John Liggins β Exchanging languages
John Liggins β performance/films
John Liggins β performance/films
Artzien β Monthly review of art in Amsterdam
1979 Vol. 1 No. 5
Artzien β Monthly review of art in Amsterdam
1979 Vol. 1 No. 5
Artzien β Monthly review of art in Amsterdam
1979 Vol. 1 No. 7
Artzien β Monthly review of art in Amsterdam
1979 Vol. 1 No. 7