Art Metropole
Emma Kay β Paperback
Emma Kay β Paperback
Emma Kay β Paperback
Library Material β on artist
Art Metropole
Art Metropole
Museums by artists
Museums by artists
Museums by artists
Library Material β on group show
Art Metropole
Art Metropole
Colin Campbell β The woman from Malibu
Colin Campbell β The woman from Malibu
Colin Campbell β The woman from Malibu
Library Material β on artist
Art Metropole
Art Metropole
Colin Campbell β Modern love. Excerpted transcripts from the videotape
Colin Campbell β Modern love. Excerpted transcripts from the videotape
Colin Campbell β Modern love. Excerpted transcripts from the videotape
Library Material β on artist
Art Metropole
Art Metropole
General Idea β Menage a trois

General Idea β Menage a trois
Library Material β on artist
Art Metropole
Art Metropole
Performance by Artists
Performance by Artists
Performance by Artists
Library Material β on subject
Art Metropole
Art Metropole
AM β Art Metropole Video Catalogue Evidence of the Avant Garde Since 1957 β Summer 1980
AM β Art Metropole Video Catalogue Evidence of the Avant Garde Since 1957 β Summer 1980
AM β Art Metropole Video Catalogue Evidence of the Avant Garde Since 1957 β Summer 1980
Library Material β on group show
Art Metropole
Art Metropole
Evidence of the avantgarde since 1975: Selected works from the Collection of Art Metropole

Evidence of the avantgarde since 1975: Selected works from the Collection of Art Metropole
Library Material β on group show
Art Metropole
Art Metropole
Commerce by Artists
Commerce by Artists
Commerce by Artists
Library Material β on subject
Art Metropole
Art Metropole
Art Metropole β Catalogue no. 6
Art Metropole β Catalogue no. 6
Art Metropole β Catalogue no. 6
Library Material β on group show
Art Metropole
Art Metropole
Art Metropole. Trade Catalogue, 1987
Art Metropole. Trade Catalogue, 1987
Art Metropole. Trade Catalogue, 1987
Library Material β on group show
Art Metropole
Art Metropole
Nour Bishouty β 1-130
Selected works Ghassan Bishouty b. 1941 Safad, Palestine β d. 2004 Amman, Jordan

Nour Bishouty β 1-130
Selected works Ghassan Bishouty b. 1941 Safad, Palestine β d. 2004 Amman, Jordan
Library Material β on artist
Art Metropole
Art Metropole

Library Material β magazine
General Idea
General Idea
FILE Magazine No. 25 and FILE Art & Text Publications No 22, 1986

FILE Magazine No. 25 and FILE Art & Text Publications No 22, 1986
Library Material β magazine
Art Metropole
Art Metropole