Reality Check: recent developments in British photography and video: an exhibition organised by the British Council and the Photographers' Gallery
- Type
- on group show
- Artist
- David Shrigley, Keith Tyson, Ori Gersht, Phil Collins, Saskia Olde Wolbers, Roderick, kr buxey, Alan Currall, Graham Fagen, Dryden Goodwin, Luke Gottelier, Nigel Shafran, Lesley Shearer, Michelle Williams, Shizuka Yokimizo, Bettina von Zwehl
- Publisher
- Arts Council England, London, 2002
- Venue
- The Photographers' Gallery
- Code
See also
Christiaan Bastiaans – Club Mama Gemutlich
Christiaan Bastiaans – Club Mama Gemutlich
Christiaan Bastiaans – Club Mama Gemutlich
Huckleberry Finn
Huckleberry Finn
Huckleberry Finn
Bernadette Corporation – BC Timeline
Bernadette Corporation – BC Timeline
Bernadette Corporation – BC Timeline
A Thousand Eyes – Media Technology, Law, and Aesthetics
A Thousand Eyes – Media Technology, Law, and Aesthetics
Steve McQueen
Steve McQueen
Steve McQueen
On fashion
On fashion