New Museology
- Type
- on subject
- Auteur
- Stephen Bann, Peter Vergo, Charles Saumarez Smith, Ludmilla Jordanova, Paul Greenhalgh, Colin Sorensen, Nick Merriman, Philip Wright, Norman Palmer
- Publisher
- Reaktion Books, London, 2006
- Code
See also
The Shape of Things β A Philosophy of Design
The Shape of Things β A Philosophy of Design
Conceptual Beauty β Perspectives on Australian Contemporary Art:
Conceptual Beauty β Perspectives on Australian Contemporary Art:
Conceptual Beauty β Perspectives on Australian Contemporary Art:
10th Berlin Biennale β Strange Attractors
10th Berlin Biennale β Strange Attractors
Institutional Critique β An Anthology of Artists' Writings
Institutional Critique β An Anthology of Artists' Writings
Institutional Critique β An Anthology of Artists' Writings
October -The second decade 1986 β 1996
October -The second decade 1986 β 1996
October -The second decade 1986 β 1996
On the Beaten Track β Tourism, Art, and Place
On the Beaten Track β Tourism, Art, and Place