Kunst in Crisis
- Titel
- Kunst in Crisis
- Type
- on subject
- Auteur
- Chris Dercon, Ole Bouman, Koen Brams, Lex ter Braak, Ineke Schwartz, Anna Tilroe, Sjarel Ex, Gitta Luiten, Wouter de Nooy, Guus Beumer, Valentijn Byvanck, Rutger Wolfson
- Editor
- Rutger Wolfson
- Publisher
- Prometheus, 2003
- Code
See also
A Performance Cycle – Archiving, gathering, exhibiting, recounting, remembering, loving, desiring, ordering, mapping.
A Performance Cycle – Archiving, gathering, exhibiting, recounting, remembering, loving, desiring, ordering, mapping.
A Performance Cycle – Archiving, gathering, exhibiting, recounting, remembering, loving, desiring, ordering, mapping.
Art and Artifact – The Museum as Medium
Art and Artifact – The Museum as Medium
Art and Artifact – The Museum as Medium
Andy Warhol’s Interview july 74. VOL. IV No. 7
Great Britain Special
Andy Warhol’s Interview july 74. VOL. IV No. 7
Great Britain Special
An Associative Art History – Comparative Studies of Neo-Avant-Gardes in a Bipolar World
An Associative Art History – Comparative Studies of Neo-Avant-Gardes in a Bipolar World
And while I have been lying here perfectly still: The Saskia Olde Wolbers Files
And while I have been lying here perfectly still: The Saskia Olde Wolbers Files
And while I have been lying here perfectly still: The Saskia Olde Wolbers Files