De Appel Bulletin – 1982 No 4 – Real = Real

- Titel
- De Appel Bulletin – 1982 No 4 – Real = Real
- Type
- magazine
- Publisher
- de Appel, Amsterdam, 1982
- Code
- APPEL-LIB-1982/04
- Subcollection
- publications de Appel
Jerry Mander – Four Arguments for the elimination of television, an
introduction to Mander’s ideas, on which he will give a talk
Teun Hocks, artist contribution
John Kormeling – announcement of a lecture in De Appel during which the Workings of the Design-machine will be demonstrated.
Ton Zwerver – Livingroom sculpture made up of household goods for the
duration of one day
Dick Raaymakers talks to Josine van Droffelaar about Micro Man, a table theatre piece first performed in the dissection room of the Binnengasthuis – presentation De Appel.
Dick Raaymakers – A brief phenomenology of falling
Lon de Vries Robbe, artist contribution
Johan Cornelissen, a journey along the equator (III) – Fragments of letters and two cables. List with presentation points, where the works are on show.
Signalized: City Thoughts, a new centre for the regular exchange of ideas on Theory and practice related to international visual arts.
Wink van Kempen – artist contribution;
English translation of the text by Ortega y Gasset: see page 36.
Raul Marroquin – Waiters, Waitresses, Chiefs de cuisine, Shop Attendants and Deliverers of Amsterdam, artist contribution.
Plowmans Lunch – Lawrence Weiner talks to Michael Gibbs about his newestFilm, produced by De Appel.
Plowmans Lunch – Lawrence Weiner, a review of the film by Saskia Bos.
Plowmans Lunch – data.
English Translation of text on artist page of Wink van Kempen.
The Federation of video artists – announcement of the establishment of a new organisation; design Annie Wright.