Witte de With – cahier # 6
- Type
- on group show
- Auteur
- Hermann Pitz, Tacita Dean, Craigie Horsfield, Bart Lootsma, Dominic van den Boogerd, Greg Lynn, Carel Blotkamp, Kaspar König, Frederick Kiesler, Bartolomé Marí, Lars Spuybroek, Guy Brett, Johanne Lamoureux, Anton van Gemert, Michael Tarantino, Bernard Colenbrander, Pieter Jan Gijsberts, Barbara Lesák, Diet Bogner, Yehuda Safran, Wouter Vanstiphout, Dieter Bogner, Alfred Pacquement, Simon Field, Gerco de Ruijter, Axel Wirths
- Editor
- Barbera van der kooij
- Publisher
- Richter Verlag, Rotterdam, Melly, Rotterdam, 1997
- Venue
- Witte de With, Rotterdam
- Code
- Details
- 172 pages
See also
Art in theory – 1900 -1990
An anthology of changing ideas
Art in theory – 1900 -1990
An anthology of changing ideas
Art in theory – 1900 -1990
An anthology of changing ideas
A Performance Cycle – Archiving, gathering, exhibiting, recounting, remembering, loving, desiring, ordering, mapping.
A Performance Cycle – Archiving, gathering, exhibiting, recounting, remembering, loving, desiring, ordering, mapping.
A Performance Cycle – Archiving, gathering, exhibiting, recounting, remembering, loving, desiring, ordering, mapping.
"Adorno: Die Möglichkeit des Unmöglichen" The Possibility of the Impossible (Vol. II)
"Adorno: Die Möglichkeit des Unmöglichen" The Possibility of the Impossible (Vol. II)
Bedrijfscollecties in Nederland
Bedrijfscollecties in Nederland
Bedrijfscollecties in Nederland
Before Everything – Summer Readings
Before Everything – Summer Readings
Before Everything – Summer Readings
(Re)Staging the Art Museum
(Re)Staging the Art Museum
(Re)Staging the Art Museum