De Appel Bulletin – 1981 No 2 – september

- Titel
- De Appel Bulletin – 1981 No 2 – september
- Type
- magazine
- Publisher
- de Appel, Amsterdam, 1981
- Code
- APPEL-LIB-1981/02
- Subcollection
- publications de Appel
Willem de Ridder, The Walk
Until the end of September 1981
Leaving point: De Appel, every Thursday morning.
Hans-Thies Ridder, Rhizom und Maschine –
the ‘’Pop- Phylosophy’’ from Deleuze und Guattari.
Lecture, September 23, 21:00 h.
Frank Gribling, Art for the millions.
Art for Nobody.
Action with a discussion after words with participating artists
October 7, 21:00 h
Frank Gribling, Art for the millions.
Art for Nobody.
Hans-Thies Ridder, Rhizom und Maschine –
the ‘’Pop- Phylosophy’’ from Deleuze und Guattari.
Ron Haselden, The Thames Project
Ulises Carrion, Gossip, Scandal and Good Manners
Rob Huisman, Dilemma’s of a fenomenon
Silvia Steiger, Project in the dunes, a workreport
Madelon Hooykaas/Elsa Stansfield
Temporary Installation on Site ( no.4)
Silva Steiger, Walk-over
Willem de Ridder. The Walk,
a fotoreport of Marijke Mooy and Andre Minnaar