Image: El-Funoun Palestinian Popular Dance Troupe
De Appel is happy to join and contribute to the different mirroring solidarity events at Uitkijk, De Sloot/De Sering and Theater Bellevue upon The Mirror Soup Kitchen’s invitation. The program includes the screenings of The One Minutes Series 'Mirroring' curated by Seda Yıldırım, Werkplaats Typografie (2004, NL, 14 min), a talk by Mirror Soup Kitchen and a Palestinian Dabke dance workshop with a dance score from the El-Funoun Palestinian Popular Dance, in Ramallah.
The dabke workshop is de Appel’s interpretation of what it means to mirror; to be in solidarity with a people undergoing a genocide and apartheid, through an embodied practice; dabke, which is a dance connected to land, heritage and resilience for generations.
About Mirror Soup Kitchen
(Jasper van den Berg, Jet Sanders and Roel Wouters) mirrors a soup kitchen from a place hit by disaster or war. The recipes they cook there are prepared and served in exactly the same way, on the exact same day. The money raised will benefit this kitchen so it can continue to cook for those in need.
About The One Minutes
The One Minutes was originally initiated by students of Sandberg Instituut in 1998. And has been an independent non profit since 2017. The One Minutes Collection consists of over 18,000 video works from artists in over 120 countries. The collection is preserved and made accessible by the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision and is available online for professionals and the general public.
El-Funoun Palestinian Popular Dance Troupe is an independent, non-profit artistic organization that is almost entirely volunteer-based. El-Funoun was established in 1979 by a small number of enthusiastic, talented and committed artists. Since then, El-Funoun has been crowned as the lead Palestinian dance company in Palestine, as well as among Palestinians in exile. It holds an impressive track record of over one thousand performances locally and internationally. It also produced 15 productions and over ten choreographed dances. El -Funoun has won several commendation certificates and awards over the years.
Doors are open at de Appel to visit Edgelanders: Amsterdam on Trial / Part III: The Witnesses
4:30 - 5:30pm
Mirror Soup Kitchen give an intro to Mirroring project followed by the screening of the One Minutes videos and a discussion
5:30 - 6:30pm
Dabke workshop with El-Funoun Palestinian Popular Dance Troupe, live online from Ramallah
Soup provided by Mirror Soup Kitchen