A Seat For A Table, A Sun For The Sky
The 2023 Artistic Research Graduation Show (University of Amsterdam)
De Appel develops art projects together with local residents, with (art)schools and institutions. Mutual exchange and learning from each other are vital values. We are delighted to announce that we will be hosting the 2023 Artistic Research graduation show, held by the rMA students from the University of Amsterdam.
The master Art and Performance Research Studies is a two-year programme for students who are interested in doing historical, theoretical and practice-based research into the visual and performative arts. Central to the programme is that the students reflect on and learn to do research in an inter- and cross-disciplinary framework and learn to understand the position of the arts and the artist in society. The 2023 graduates of the speciality Artistic Research reached out to de Appel some months ago, to explore the possibilities of a collaboration. The result of this mutual exchange is the graduation show “A Seat for a Table, A Sun For The Sky”.
The twelve participants employ methods of artistic research, embodied in various forms. Their current research orbits around art and performance – digesting, juggling, weaving, covering, and uncovering material narratives. The presentation is complemented by a publication and a public programme, consisting of guest lectures, performances, and installations.
As the graduates state themselves: “Building on our disciplinary diversity, we present a process-oriented show that sustains our various disciplines, contexts, and wishes. We warmly invite you into our research processes through playful, educational, and celebratory creations. We wonder how our cluster of work finds a home within de Appel, and subsequently stretches further into the public sphere. A show, a happening, an event – a temporary moment that satellites our individual and collective projects outward. While our body of work is shortly suspended in mid-air, our collective dialogue continues to shift.”
The graduation show will open its doors 9 June between 6:00 and 10:00 p.m. Between 10 – 17 June the graduation show will be open every day between 2:00 and 7:00 p.m (with the exception of Monday 12 June). More information about the public programme can be found below.