From the archive: Dear Weis
de Appel, Prins Hendrikkade 142, Amsterdam

From November 27th until January 17, 2016, the Appel arts centre presents a collection of postcards and correspondence between Wies Smals and various artists. The collection is partially from the archive and partially from a recent donation to the Appel.
De Appel arts centre opens its doors in 1974 in warehouse “de Appel” on the Brouwersgracht in Amsterdam. A series of presentations in LocusSolus, showing archival material, give a glimpse into the early years, the foundations of de Appel arts centre.
Founder of de Appel, Wies Smals (1939-1983), maintained close contact with the artists she exhibited, long before and after an exhibition or a performance. A personal exchange, and a deep commitment to the artists, their career and private life and vice versa, are a natural and fundamental part of her curatorship.
In this presentation you will see postcards and correspondence that bear witness of the warm relationship Smals - coincidentally, an avid collector of postcards herself - maintained with the artists. Partially from a collection that was recently donated to de Appel, and in part from the archive.
The cards are correspondence with amongs others Marina Abramovic, Felix Partz (General Idea), James Lee Byars, Dan Graham, Alison Knowles, Tony Morgan, Ulrike Rosenbach, W.T. Schippers, Harald Szeemann, Lawrence Weiner.
In addition to messages from artists, also employees and others involved with de Appel keep her posted about global developments in art via personal messages.
Thanks to Marijke van der Wijst, Amsterdam
LocusSolus is a space for staging de Appel arts centre’s living past and lively present. Unravelling and dynamic, in black and white or full-colour HD, LocusSolus shows the fundaments of de Appel arts centre, her surroundings, the now and everything thereafter, to deepen and intensify her future.
LocusSolus is located in the souterrain of de Appel arts centre and open during opening hours of the exhibitions.