From the archive gerlach en koop

From the archive gerlach en koop

de Appel, Prins Hendrikkade 142, Amsterdam
Kristien Daem

Especially for the exhibition Choses tuées, the collective artist gerlach en koop selected a piece from the collection of de Appel arts centre.

An aluminum tag with on one side the inscription 'present' and on the other side 'absent'. Barbara Bloom commemorated the founder and director of de Appel, Wies Smals, who died in an accident in a private plane in 1983. Saskia Bos, the director who succeeded Wies Smals, invited Barbara Bloom in 1993 to make this memorial piece for her and the other passengers. Barbara Bloom found this tag in an airport for private planes. The pilots used it to indicate whether they were present or absent.

gerlach en koop show the side "absent".

shows the gems from the collection of de Appel arts centre. Long-lost books, documents or new items that proudly epresent her history and lively present, for the lonesome reader and keen viewers. LocusSolus is located next to the entrance of the library on the 2nd floor of de Appel arts centre.

gerlach en koop – No two things can be the same, 2012 disposed bin

collection (unintended), 2012

gerlach en koop – Choses tuées

affiche, 2015