36.5 / a durational performance with the sea by Sarah Cameron Sunde

During SAIL Amsterdam from 19 till 23 August de Appel arts centre shows the registration of the performance 36.5 / a durational performance with the sea by Sarah Cameron Sunde.
More information: www.365waterproject.org
Partners: TAAK, Satellietgroep Den Haag (a artist rsedency at Zandmotor), BeamSystems and SAIL Amsterdam
The video exhibition is part of the cultural program of SAIL Amsterdam. On August 10, 2015 Sunde stood a whole tidal cycle (thirteen hours) in the sea at Katwijk; the water rose up to her neck and receded to her ankles. Over 40 members of the public joined her, sometimes for hours. Jonas de Witte filmed the entire performance and the completed durational video piece will premiere from 19-23 August at Pakhuis de Zwijger, Marineterrein, Oude Kerk en de Appel arts centre.
Sarah Cameron Sunde has been making theater and interdisciplinary live art performances in New York City and beyond since 1999. Her work revolves around questions of time, bodies-in-space, efficiency and awareness. She leads the interdisciplinary live art collective Lydian Junction with whom she was recently in residence for three weeks at The Watermill Center (Robert Wilson’s Laboratory for Performance). Sunde is known for her leadership as the Deputy Artistic Director of New Georges and her work as Jon Fosse’s American-English director/translator (five critically acclaimed U.S. debut productions since 2004: Night Sings its Songs, deathvariations, Sa Ka La, A Summer Day, Dream of Autumn). She also developed and directed the original productions of Jessica Dickey’s The Amish