Talking Back to the Media
de Appel, Prins Hendrikkade 142, Amsterdam

Presentation of the reserach project "Talking Back to the Media" in collaboration with LIMA
The artist manifestation 'Artists Talking Back to the Media' from 1985 was initiated by Raul Marroquin and David Garcia. This initiative resulted in the co-working of several cultural institutes from Amsterdam, such as de Appel arts centre, Time Based Arts, de Rijksakademie, Kriterion, Aorta and the Shaffy Theater.
During a month the manifestation influenced local and national media, it combined playful interventions with raw critique of mass media, and involved the participation of some leading international artists including John Baldessari, Barbara Kruger and General Idea. The artists involved used a diversity of mediums to 'talk back', ranging from television-broadcasts, lectures, posters and a magazine.
To research this manifestation, de Appel and LIMA assigned Brigitte Bélanger and Camie Karstanje. In the past year they have been mapping out the material that they have found in several archives. In addition they have interviewed the initiators and other directly involved about their experiences. The TV-broadcasts, the interviews and a selection of archive-material is on display.
Cable television Amsterdam broadcast 1 (10 November 1985): 22/10/14 - 02/11/14
Cable television Amsterdam broadcast 2 (17 November 1985): 04/11/14 - 16/11/14
Cable television Amsterdam broadcast 3 (24 November 1985): 18/11/14 - 30/11/14
Cable television Amsterdam Live-broadcast (24 November 1985): 02/12/14 - 21/12/14