Benefit evening 2014
SS, Rotterdam

On Thursday October 2th the annual benefit evening of de Appel arts centre and Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art takes place on the historical ship the SS Rotterdam.
This will be the 3rd time that both institutes jointly organise this benefit evening which includes an auction of artworks and ‘experiences’, donated by twenty-some leading international artists. Job Ubbens, Chairman and Chief Auctioneer of Christie’s Amsterdam will lead the auction. The proceeds of the evening will be used for the future plans of both institutes.
Francesca van Habsburg, art collector and founder of Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary (TBA2), Vienna is invited as keynote speaker and the evening will end with a spectacular performance by electro-clash singer Peaches.
For more information about the benefit evening you can contact de Appel arts centre +31 (0)20 6255651.