Book launch F.R. DAVID
San Serriffe, Amsterdam
The newest F.R. DAVID publication 'All Distinctions are mind, by mind, of mind' has already arrived at our office, but will be officially launched in Amsterdam on the 12th of December. This event will happen in art book shop San Serriffe with Will Holder, editor and designer of the publication.
The newest F.R. DAVID publication 'All Distinctions are mind, by mind, of mind' has already arrived at our office, but will be officially launched in Amsterdam on the 12th of December. This event will happen in art book shop San Serriffe with Will Holder, editor and desiger of the publication. The publication will also be launched in New York, on the 24th of November at Dexter Sinister.
F.R. DAVID is a periodical publication by the Appel arts centre and concerned with the management of reading and writing in contemporary art pratice. This eleventh issue is comparative, through dividing and splitting, in order to read the design of rhetoric in how we tell stories about our fictional and professional selves.
With: Abra Ancliffe, Robert Ashley, Ricardo Basbaum, Michael Gazzaniga, Ken Jacobs, Shane Krepakevich, John Latham, Ezra Pound, Kendra Sullivan, Sergei Tret'iakov, Marina Vishmidt, Rebecca Wilcox & Sarah Rose and many more.
The publication is already availabe at our webshop.