Rod Summers "V.E.C. Performance: Operation Wipe Out"
de Appel, Brouwersgracht 196, Amsterdam
de Appel, Brouwersgracht 196, Amsterdam

'The product of one year investigation into bureaucracy was destroyed by shredding. The material destroyed consisted of original documents from at least 25 international artists. The knowledge of what these works were, was withheld from the public. A car pulled up before Brouwersgracht 196 and five people got out: the director V.E.C., the senior administrative officer, the senior technical officer, the senior security officer and the security office II head. A wooden box was taken from the boot of the car and was carried to the performance area by the director and senior technical officer. The box was placed on the floor near the table. The senior security and technical officer assumed security positions between the public and the work area. The director opened the box and checked the contents against the master list. Each file was passed to the senior administrative officer who checked the number of enclosures. The files were then passed to the security office II head who extracted each page, removed paperclips, staples, etc. and than fed each page into the shredder. When the last page had been destroyed, the director closed the plastic bag containing the shreds and attached a label bearing the legend 'Bureaucracy R.I.P.'.' (Rod Summers, invitation De Appel, June 1977.)
See also