If I Can't Dance, I Don't Want To Be Part Of Your RevolutionEdition III "Masquerade"
de Appel, Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 10, Amsterdam

Olivier Foulon "The Soliloqui of the Broom", 2008, co-produced by If I Can't Dance... and Kölnischer Kunstverein, 16 mm film, 8 min, courtesy the artist (Gustave Courbet "Jo, La Belle Irlandaise", 1865-66. Courtsey H. O. Havemeyer Collection<
Rogier Taminiau

Jon Mikel Euba "One Minute of Silence", 2005, series of 5 videos, Istanbul, courtesy the artist
Rogier Taminiau

Joachim Koester "Tarantism", 2007, 16 mm film, 6.31 min, courtesy Nicolai Wallnerand and the artist
Rogier Taminiau

Rogier Taminiau

Sarah Pierce, "It's time man. It feels imminent", 2008, installation with video, audio, slide projections, coloured sheets, presentation furniture and items from the de Appel archive. Courtesy of the artist and de Appel.
Rogier Taminiau

Stefanie Seibold, "Archive presentation", video display pictured forms part of presentation, 2008. Courtesy de Appel and the artist.
Rogier Taminiau

Stephanie Seibold, "Archive presentation", 2008. Courtesy de Appel and the artist.
Rogier Taminiau

Stefanie Seibold, "Archive presentation", 2008. Courtesy of de Appel and the artist.
Rogier Taminiau

Keren Cytter, "History in the Making", 2008, film and two performances
Rogier Taminiau

Suchan Kinoshita, "Detour for an audience, two disco balls, two curtains, rear windows, a physiotherapist, a psychiatrist and a dressing table", 2008, installation.
Rogier Taminiau

Olivier Foulon, "The Soliloquy of the Broom", 2008, computer print-outs.
Rogier Taminiau

Rogier Taminiau

Rogier Taminiau

Rogier Taminiau

Rogier Taminiau

Stefanie Seibold, "Archive presentation", 2008. Courtesy of de Appel archive and the artist.
Rogier Taminiau

Sarah Pierce, "It's time man. It feels imminent", 2008, installation with video, audio, slide projections, coloured sheets, presentation furniture and various items from the archives of de Appel.
Rogier Taminiau

Suchan Kinoshita, "Detour for an audience, two disco balls, two curtains, rear windows, a physiotherapist, a psychiatrist and a dressing table", 2008, installation.
Rogier Taminiau

Jon Mikel Euba "Re:Horse", performance, 2008
Nicholas Burrough

Jon Mikel Euba "Re:Horse", performance, 2008
Nicholas Burrough

Jon Mikel Euba "Re:Horse", performance, 2008
Nicholas Burrough

Jon Mikel Euba "Re:Horse", lecture performance, 2008
Nicholas Burrough

Jon Mikel Euba "Re:Horse", lecture performance, 2008
Nicholas Burrough
Opening: Friday 26 September, from 6 pm onwards, in de Appel
Artists: Keren Cytter (IL, 1977), Jon Mikel Euba (ES, 1967), Olivier Foulon (BE, 1976), Suchan Kinoshita (JP, 1960), Joachim Koester (DK/US, 1962), Sarah Pierce (US/IE, 1968) and Stefanie Seibold (DE, 1967)
Curators: Frederique Bergholtz (NL) and Annie Fletcher (IE/NL)
Friday 26 Sept
6 pm onwards, Opening, de Appel
Sunday 28 Sept
1 pm lecture performance by Jon Mikel Euba, de Appel
2 pm performance, Keren Cytter, de Appel
4 pm “If I Can’t Dance Tonight” with Joachim Koester, Frascati Theatre
Sunday 26 Oct
2 pm Guided Tour by the curators
4 pm “If I Can’t Dance Tonight” with Olivier Foulon, Frascati Theatre
Saturday 8 Nov
5 pm “If I Can’t Dance Tonight” with Olivier Foulon, de Appel
6 pm Performance “Re:Horse” Jon Mikel Euba in Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam
(max. 25 pers.)
Sunday 9 Nov
4 pm performance, Keren Cytter, Overtoom 301
6 pm performance “Re: Horse” by Jon Mikel Euba, Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam
(max. 25 pers.)
Sunday 30 Nov
4 pm “If I Can’t Dance Tonight” with Sarah Pierce in Theatre Frascati
Reservations via reservation [at] deappel.nl.
In 2006, de Appel formed a long-term partnership with If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution, a travelling platform for performance-related practices in the visual arts. ‘If I Can’t Dance…’, a famous statement attributed to the anarchist Emma Goldman, typifies the unique capacity of art to make political and critical statements about the world while also celebrating that same world.
In 2008-2010 during the third edition If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution embraces the theme of ‘Masquerade’. The exploration of this theme may be seen as an extension of earlier research conducted by If I Can’t Dance… into theatricality (Edition I, 2005) and into the heritage and potential of feminism (Edition II, 2006-2007).
In Edition III – “Masquerade”, which consists of a prologue and four episodes, If I Can’t Dance… aims to investigate, together with artists and other mediators, how we handle ideas about identity and public space today.
Following the prologue at the Overgaden arts centre in Copenhagen in August 2008, episode 1 will take place in de Appel in the form of an exhibition, an archival presentation and a performance programme. Artist Stefanie Seibold will present a selection of de Appel’s archive in collaboration with de Appel’s libarian Nell Donkers, showing positions and projects in relation to the notion of the masquerade from de Appel’s legacy.
For more information about If I Can't Dance Edition III please download our press release on this page or contact Hiske Zomer via Hzomer@deappel.nl.
Financial Support: Gemeente Amsterdam, Ministerie van OC & W
With the support of the Culture Programme (2007–2013) of the European Union, het Fonds BKVB, de Mondriaan Stichting, het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and het SNS Reaalfonds.