On Mobility
de Appel, Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 10, Amsterdam
de Appel, Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 10, Amsterdam

Judi Werthein, Brinco, 2005
© Henni van Beek
© Henni van Beek

Åsa Sonjasdotter, A Potato Perspective. The juridical status of some potato varieties in EU and other related stories, 2006
© Henni van Beek
© Henni van Beek

Tomo Savic-Gecan, Untitled, 2006
© Henni van Beek
© Henni van Beek

front: Tomas Saraceno, Airport City, 2005
back: Yona Friedman, La ville spatiale on the lagoon (Venice), 2005
© Henni van Beek
© Henni van Beek
This summer De Appel in Amsterdam shows the last stop of On Mobility, a series of
exhibitions realized with the cooperation of European contemporary art institutions in
Central and Eastern Europe, initiated by Saskia Bos, former director of De Appel. On
Mobility is an ever-changing collection of works by artists that are concerned about recent
developments in society. In their work migration and mobility, assimilation and translation,
are key issues. They examine and analyse these issues in unconventional and imaginative
ways, as demonstrated by two examples chosen from the projects shown in the venue at
the Nieuwe Spiegelstraat in Amsterdam.
The act of crossing the border from Mexico into the US is known as ‘brinco’, jump in
Spanish. Judi Werthein’s ‘crossing trainers’ prepare illegal migrants for this journey. The
shoes include useful items such as a compass and a torch, as most of the migrants cross at
night. Inside are painkillers, as many suffer aches and injuries during the journey, pockets
for money and the insole features a map of the most popular border crossing points for
illegal immigrants between Tijuana and San Diego. Embroidered on the heel is an image of
Santo Toribo Romo, the official saint of the Mexican migrants, and on the front of the toe in
the direction of their dreams is the American eagle. To comment on the contradictions
between fashion, manufacture competition, migration and labour flow, Werthein’s sneakers
have been sold as unique art objects at the American side of the border. And at the Mexican
side they were freely distributed amongst would-be illegal immigrants. The project caused a
great deal of controversy in the United States. Werthein was invited for many news and talk
shows, but she also received a lot of hate mail. Documentation of press coverage and
webforums is included in the exhibition. In De Appel Judi Werthein also realises a Brinco-
shop. On August 26, the auctioneer of Christie’s Amsterdam will bring the sneakers under
the hammer (location De Appel). The profits will go to Casa del Migrante
and Casa Madre Asunta, two shelters for migrants in Tijuana.
Inspired by a study trip to India, where the farmers collect, improve and breed the seeds of
local rices, cereals and beans, Åsa Sonjasdotter wanted to transfer her experience into the
regional conditions in Scandinavia, starting out with farming one of the most common local
staple foods; the potato. She planted some traditional varieties, but soon she found out that
these old potatoes have a complex story to tell.
In the ongoing project A Potato Perspective, Sonjasdotter explores different aspects of
potato, from the cultural historical aspects of potato consumption, to those problems that
arise from the regulation of agricultural production and trading, including the fact that when
farming old traditional varieties, one can easily break the law, even unwittingly. At De Appel’s roof garden, Sonjasdotter grows a series of traditional potatoes. On August 26 there will be a harvesting event and the public can taste the potato varieties that grew in De Appel.
Presentation: July 14 2006 during the opening of the exhibition, 7 pm
Travelling and mobility are recurring themes in the work of Dirk van Weelden (1957). In the
essay he wrote for the On Mobility catalogue Van Weelden re-enacts 16th century rascal Tyl
Uilenspiegel like an artist whose work he encountered during his travels to the exhibitions in
Amsterdam, Berlin, Vilnius and Budapest. Van Weelden questions their balancing between
artistic, individual freedom and social engagement. In his search for playful metaphors he is
the fellow traveller of the reader and hands the essential luggage on this ongoing mental
journey in a 21st century parable.
The On Mobility catalogue contains images of the work of all 21 participating artists: Tiong
Ang, Bik Van der Pol, Castro / Ólafsson, Banu Cennetoglu, Miklós Erhardt, Alicia Framis,
Yona Friedman, Patricija Jurkšaityt?, Leopold Kessler, Andrew Miksys, Multiplicity, Marjetica Potr?,
Tomas Saraceno, Tomo Savic-Gecan, Åsa Sonjasdotter, Sean Snyder, Nasrin
Tabatabai, Patrick Tuttofuoco, Javier Téllez, Judi Werthein and Xu Zhen.
Design: Annelys de Vet / Marijke Cobbenhagen.
Paperback, 16,5 x 22 cm, 168 pp.
ISBN: 90-73501-67-9, Price: € 20,- excl. mailing costs.
Ordering information: www.onmobility.net