Forum discussion and film/music programme, Paradiso
Paradiso, Amsterdam
Paradiso, Amsterdam

Barbara Bloom, Diamond Lane

Lawrence Weiner, Plowmans Lunch

Barbara Bloom, Diamond Lane

Lawrence Weiner, Plowmans Lunch
‘More than 1200 people visited the forum discussion and film/music programme in Paradiso. The discussion topic was the interaction between new European painting and the American media imaginists. Participating in the forum were Barbara Kruger, Lawrence Weiner, Paul Groot, Peter Gordon, Wolfgang Faust and Jan Debbaut. The programme was implemented at the initiative of Paul Groot of the Museum Journaal. De Appel and Corps de Garde (Groningen) were invited to take responsibility for a few aspects of the programme and to provide advice regarding forum members. The showing of the films of Lawrence Weiner and Barbara Bloom (Plowmans Lunch and Diamond Lane respectively) and the performance by Peter Gordon was arranged by De Appel.’ (Report of De Appel projects carried out in 1982. Announcement of projects for 1983, p. 6.)