Hetty Huisman "From Void to Void to Void to Void"
de Appel, Brouwersgracht 196, Amsterdam
de Appel, Brouwersgracht 196, Amsterdam

Used as illustrations to an article on Huisman in De Appel, 2 (1982) 2, pp. 6-11. I

Used as illustrations to an article on Huisman in De Appel, 2 (1982) 2, pp. 6-11. II

Used as illustrations to an article on Huisman in De Appel, 2 (1982) 2, pp. 6-11. III

Used as illustrations to an article on Huisman in De Appel, 2 (1982) 2, pp. 6-11. IV
'On 31 March 1982 Hetty Huisman gave a lecture entitled From Void to Void to Void to Void in De Koer, Amsterdam. The following request was sent to about hundred people: 'We would like to know if you have any questions. May we ask you to send us these as soon as possible, so that we can begin to prepare the answers. You will find the answer to your question(s) at the lecture'. Both questions and answers were presented by means of a visual device, quite similar to a [pinball] machine.' (De Appel, 2 (1982) 2, p. 6.)