Maria Nordman "A vessel"
ter hoogte van Buiksloterweg 57, Amsterdam
ter hoogte van Buiksloterweg 57, Amsterdam

A vessel I

A vessel II

A vessel III

A vessel IV
From December 19 through 23, 1981, De Appel habitués could view a work by Maria Nordman located in the IJ at Buiksloterweg 57: the ship known as the Tjoba (Malay for ‘just try it’). In the press release issued at the time the following statement was made regarding the Tjoba: ‘This work by Maria Nordman in Amsterdam is [not] limited to the area of the ship alone but involves the entire surroundings. It is literally a boat among other boats; figuratively it is a boat within the cultural-historical context. The waterways of the city used to be just as important as the streets, places where culture was exchanged as well as goods. The water - rivers, canals, etc. - functions as the 'conducted and the conductor' for the ship, and the ship in turn 'is the conducted and the conductor' for the cargo. Or as Maria Nordman puts it, 'The vessel is both the conducted and the conductor. That's why I like the word vessel'. Speaking of the ship the Tjoba, she says: 'I prepared the space'. This can be understood as making the space 'receptive', which also calls to mind the word 'receive' in the sense of receiving both persons and sound and image waves.’ In the spring and summer of 1982, the Tjoba was scheduled to sail to the following places: Dusseldorf (April 24 to May 9), Basel (May 21 to 31), Bonn (June 7 to 20), Cologne (June 24 to July 8), Rotterdam (July 16 to 30) and Groningen (August 6 to September 1). (Press release and poster De Appel)