de Appel, Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 10, Amsterdam

© Ernst Moritz, Den Haag / The Hague

© Ernst Moritz, Den Haag / The Hague

© Ernst Moritz, Den Haag / The Hague

© Ernst Moritz, Den Haag / The Hague
‘From 27 January through 18 March 2001, De Appel presents UNLIMITED.NL#4, the fourth in a series of exhibitions in which attention is drawn to developments in contemporary art in the Netherlands. The UNLIMITED.NL projects have grown out of the conviction that contemporary art in the Netherlands is booming - and blooming. Currently many young artists from different countries are successfully completing their studies at Dutch art academies. Inviting a foreign guest curator is a way of instilling the Unlimited.nl exhibitions with surprising observations from an international perspective. Kortun says the fourth edition of De Appel's UNLIMITED projects is literally unlimited. 'The project is without a thematic, conceptual framework - visual or otherwise. The works and the diverse modes of presentation in the exhibition will range from the quotidian and empathic to the immaterial. This particular project accepts that contemporary visual culture constitutes a fragile discourse, and that detours, non-massive articulations and series of incompletions are possible within a limited, temporary domain. This is a far cry, however, from framing artistic practice within an institutionalized and insular discourse, which is more than abundant in the Netherlands'. The artists in the exhibition are: Daniel J. Ashes, Hugo Brito, Robert Estermann, Pascale Gatzen, Kristof Van Gestel, Philippine Hoegen, Servet Koçyigit, Gabriel Lester, Ebru Özseçen and Jan Rothuizen.’ (Press release De Appel) Catalogue: UNLIMITED.NL#4, 2001. Daniel J. Ashes, Hugo Brito, Robert Estermann, Pascale Gatzen, Kristof van Gestel, Philippine Hoegen, Servet Kocyigit, Gabriel Lester, Ebru Ozsecen, Jan Rothuizen. Text: artists. English. Biographies incl. 108 pp., f.c., b.w., 13.5 x 19 cm. Design: Irma Boom. ISBN 90 73501 54 7. € 11,-.