Michael Gibbs "Video & performance"
de Appel, Brouwersgracht 196, Amsterdam
de Appel, Brouwersgracht 196, Amsterdam
1) video Buddha in quantum land (1977), produced by La Mamelle
2) performance The name of the game: 'Not to give the whole story at once (to kill it by defining) rather, let it be related to, the connotations are what make the work live in the imagination. Use processes of extrapolation, bricks = words, throwing throwing (the voice) ventriloquism. A fragile inviolability, a sheet of glass positioned dangerously near, to walk around the subject, not directly to it; notice things on the way (notes).'
3) video Deuxième poème symboliste (1979)
(Invitation De Appel, January 1980.)
See also