Finissage – Dóra Maurer – SUMUS – We Are Together
de Appel, Schipluidenlaan 12, Amsterdam
Informal Art Infrastructures During the Cold War
Discussion with Megan Hoetger and Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes
Departing from the organising activities of the SUMUS group led by artists Dóra Maurer and Tibor Gáyor, this session of practitheorising discusses the informal and alternative infrastructures artists built for the circulation and distribution of artworks and films between the 1960s and 1980s in, and in between, the different parts of Europe.
Contributors: performance and media historian, curator Megan Hoetger; art historian, curator, professor Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes; and curator, researcher Eszter Szakács.

Learned Spontaneous Movements, 1973; Film, B/W, sound, 16 mm transferred to digital video, 9 mins; Cast: Éva Buchmüller; Director: Dóra Maurer; Director of Photography: János Gulyás; Label: SUMUS. Courtesy: Dóra Maurer/Vintage Galéria Budapest